Portal Urology

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Dr. Wei Cheng
Experts in the field of urology and andrology, reproductive ill-health experts.

Professional experience - more than 15 years.


  • Often urinating
  • Dieback (erectile dysfunction)
  • Problems with urinating
  • Discomfort or pain in the groin and back
  • At the initial ratings, the disease is practically impossible seem, but a reduction in the potential stage and problems with urination is an early sign of the disease. The most important case is not neglect! Dieback is a disease that is not dangerous. More dangerous is cancer, prostate adenoma, which may develop into prostate cancer.

    Thus, prostatitis disease carries various risks to men, and the most important are:

    OFF shoots - prostate adenoma - prostate cancer

    Prostate tumors removed (diameter 65mm)

    In addition, in 100% cases, each man experiencing prostatitis due to dieback. Some early, and there were then, but this can not be circumvented.

    Prostate cancer prostatitis force on the last stage, but also not infrequently apply. Perhaps, the man who did not undergo prostatitis and face this problem are playing with fire. If you want to live longer and have a good erection, you need to treat prostatitis as soon as possible.

    The problem is that men who suffer from this disease did not refer to the doctor to get help. They did not believe he was dangerous or they are embarrassed. And finally, there are cases in which the disease Patients ignore it. And if they get help, he usually effect at the time it was too late and the cancer has developed.

    Surgery to remove the cancer of the prostate tumor

    Should be noted that prostatitis is a dangerous disease and one of the biggest threats to the development of malignant tumors. It sometimes lead to death in his own country. If it is not inspected and not treated, the disease progresses rapidly, within 1-2 years, turn into cancer.

    But now he has a unique opportunity to eliminate this disease without frequently visited specialty clinics.

    This is a revolutionary medicine, which appeared in 2017, which restores the function of the prostate in a short time, reduce inflammation, chronic prostatitis cure completely, and increase the potential and the entire period of sexual intercourse .. The name of this medicine Ultraprost . Products are issued in the country, sold at a very agree, although he was woken up by scientists from the German and French manufacture.

    Discounts of 50%

    In 2017 perkhidmatan Newspaper Urology Scientific Center of Europe has published the following cases:

    1. Keberkesanan Ultraprost kaedah was calculated using the standard (comparison with the mean Patients in the category of 100 people who have melepasi therapy, healing amount was 85 cent).

    2. There is no disease symptoms after stopping decision (based on observation for six months), ie 87%.

    3. After the entire period a week taking medication, there is a striking increase in libido and potency in all Patients.

    4. Medicine this contributed to an increase in the entire period of sexual intercourse. 82% of users have been in touch.

    5. The impression undesirable byproducts, in this case, the amount of reaction does not dikesan Alahan.

    6. Revolution medicine. Ultraprost identified as a source in the fight against prostatitis.

    Comments expert:

    Tengku Ali bin Tengku Rizal
    Experts in the field of urology and andrology, the founder at a private lab for the study of male reproductive function.

    Professional experience - more than 20 years.

    So in 2017. no treatment is impressive and generally available for prostatitis. This leads to remarkable effect - the spread of disease mencecah 45 cent of the adult population, and the most excessive thereof is 30 cent are young people. Ultraprost revolution in the treatment of prostate, which, True medicine. In Bulgaria and Europe, keberkesanan rise has been proven in practice. Unique composition and living cells encountered by scientists make Ultraprost prostatitis therapy treatment that can not be replaced.

    This medicine has been tested clinically. The results were surprising urologist. Approximately 98% than all Patients recovered without repeating. All symptoms disappeared completely and the process of inflammation in the prostate gland stops. In addition, 2% living rather than a recurring Patients will be lost with Ultraprost of the future.

    Likewise, through a combination of unique ingredients Ultraprost there is a clear increase in the potential and the entire period of sexual intercourse.

    Ultraprost it's worth it to solve the problem in a comprehensive manner. He has a tremendous therapeutic impression on the overall system genitouriner man. In summary, after one use medication, his body beginning to function for 25 years. That is why I am very mengesyorkannya to all men. In order not to suffer from prostatitis, this remedy will be a memorable prevention and increase the potential.

    Besides Singapore, the remedy diperakui in Europe. Our data has been fully validated by clinical exam. In fact, in France got levels of safety higher percentages.

    At this time, Ultraprost be ordered exclusively from the web page about the project. We have entered into a series of pharmaceutical try out a couple of times, but they want the highest price and sell several times more expensive than we expected. Sila understand THAT Institute of urology is not a reputable trade. We do not berlumba. Profits. We really try to make sure THAT remedy is offered to everyone. So we sell them with boarding and make gains in exports. Although the main matlamat pharmacy chains is to make profit. So our pricing approach differed altogether.

    Action! Victory against prostatitis! Now you may purchase Ultraprost with 50% discount!

    Discounts of

    The number of products in the warehouse close you are restricted: 60 Equations
    Discounts of 50%

    The final price:

    99 $

    Discounted price:

    49 $

    So the promotion ends:

    Hours Minutes Seconds

    I booked a month ago and felt it felt a week after beginning to use it. I think to have surgery, and now I do not need anymore. I am 54 and I think like I was 34 years old, I do not menjangkakannya :)


    I fully endorse !! He pulled! Not long ago, a month and a half ago, I bought it, and since then I've isolate the problem. Prostate healing completely, although I have long struggled in addition, I have better erections and I have more desire to have sex! I suggest to everyone, especially men after 40 years!

    Thanks Ultraprost .


    Prostatitis will easily lead to breast cancer. This goes with my brother, so now when I felt something and I soon met his doctorate. Already a year has passed, and there was nothing that apply. Obviously I will get Ultraprost as maintainability.


    And I have been ill for a year and a half of the prostate. I went sequential, I take the pill, but not much effect. Ultraprost have actually completed all my problems for two weeks and I really forgot about the prostate, although doctors have diagnosed with chronic prostatitis.


    I began with the famous medicine Afala, I drink to proposition doctors for almost 2 years without impression. There is no improvement, I even more often to urinate. Maintainability it fails completely. medication does not work :) and sememangnya not help. On the Internet, I see Ultraprost. Let me mencubanya. Ultraprost resolve my issues quickly and completely!


    I had absolutely no thought would get this terrible diagnosis. It lays on self-esteem and sex life for young people. I do not despair. I have controlled comprehensively. I do not menjimatkan money, I do not menjimatkan time I dedicated, but in the end only Ultraprost help me.I do not think it works so fast and perfect.


    I must give assurance to you. I myself have mencubanya. First of all I take antibiotics first, did order and try out everything. But after a few months, the prostate back to normal. After taking Ultraprost for 4 months, and I forgot I menghidap prostatitis.


    It's just a nightmare. I have menghidap prostatitis for five years! He increased ten times a year! There was a bit angry and I had agreed. I met doctors and only given antibiotics, but it did not help me. Just help make the time, and once again I do not want to take antibiotics, he do not want to tolerate. I think Ultraprost help?


    I'm using Vitafon in 2000 to treat prostatitis. Besides, I do senaman heating pelvic who helped me, but then I try out a new course. After Ultraprost I do not have a problem anymore.


    Ultraprost help me, try it once and forget about this problem.


    Like everyone I have once again conferred with Doctor for Ultraprost. And first of all, I try to see the results. And the results were presented - the prostate smaller and did not reappear


    In harmony with the principle Ultraprost, it prevents oncological diseases. He works 100%. self-test